An Open Letter to My Best Friend
Day 3/40
Like many, I have grown close to and away from many people throughout the course of my life. I have had more than one best friend. And now, as an adult, it seems like I have a different best friend for every occasion. I know that in the future I will consider my spouse to be my best friend.
All of this to say that I'm not really writing to anyone in particular. I could be writing to everyone I know or maybe someone I have yet to meet. But these are the things I would say to all of those who have been my best friend, and all who will be one day.
Dear Best Friend,
There's a lot that can be said about friendship. It's surely one of life's great pleasures.
I am so thankful for you. I am thankful for the time we spend together, the laughs we share, the tears we wipe away. I am thankful that I know you will always tell me the truth, even when I don't want to hear it. I'm thankful that I have someone to call on my best and worst days.
You make my life so much more exciting. I'm glad that we do things together, because I'd so much rather do things with you than do them alone. I am excited to do so much more in my life with you.
I know I'm not always the best friend. There are times that I don't reach out when I should. There are times I ignore your texts and calls because I'm too worried about myself. There are times where I'm just flat out mean. I hope you don't take it personally.
I don't have a lot to say to you now, especially publicly, but I know that you know everything that my heart is trying to say but can't. You are so incredibly special and I am honored to be your friend.
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