An Open Letter to My Children

Letter #2/40

Dear Child(ren),

Did you know that a mother's ovaries are actually grown inside of her mother? That means that you've been with me since MY mom was made! And ever since I gained the ability to think, I have thought about you. And ever since I gained the ability to love, I have loved you! And you are probably going to change what that word means to me.

Right now I am 24 years old. That means that I'll (LORD-willing) have the privilege of meeting you within the next few years. I am SO excited!

I hope that I can be the mother that you deserve. 

Here are 10 things that I hope to teach you:

  1. There is nothing better than loving Jesus.
  2. After Jesus comes your family. And lucky for you, you have a really good one. I know that because they loved me even when I didn't love them at times. 
  3. It is always best to be nice to someone, even if they are not nice to you. But don't let people take advantage of that niceness.
  4. Being smart isn't the same thing as being wise. Being smart is just having knowledge (which is a good thing), but wisdom is knowing when and how to use that knowledge (or when and how not to).
  5. Some things in life are meant to be learned the hard way. You'll know what I mean when it happens to you.
  6. Bibi and Pops (that's Becky and Loren, my parents, for those of you who don't know) are much more likely to say yes.
  7. Nothing beats Bibi's homemade chocolate chip cookies when your heart is broken.
  8. No job pays enough for you to be miserable. Get a job, but don't stay somewhere that isn't fulfilling.
  9. It doesn't matter how you fold a fitted sheet. Just do the best you can.
  10. Mommy loves you so much. Even when it's hard to believe because she's hard on you.
The thought of meeting you and holding you and loving you within the next few years is one of my greatest motivators for moving through my day-to-day life. Everything I'm learning and experiencing right now as a childless 24-year-old woman is going to make me a better mother to you; and one day a better friend.

You are so important and special. Never forget that you are my greatest treasure (besides Jesus and your dad).

I love you now as I'm writing this, and now as you're reading it.



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