An Open Letter to my Mom

Day 4/40

Dear Mom-

If I'm being honest, I don't really know what to say. Or maybe its that there's nothing I can say to describe anything I feel or know about you. You are a person of ineffable beauty, wisdom, compassion, and grace.

Everyone who knows me knows that I find great pleasure in being your daughter. Every time something good happens, you're the first person I want to call. Every time something bad happens, you're the first person I want to call. You were there in the darkest and brightest times of my life, and you saw me through it all for nothing in return. I think I'm beginning to understand what they mean when they talk about a "mother's love."

One of my greatest joys in life is making you proud.

Watching you be a wife and mother will make me a better wife and mother one day. I hope I can be even half the wife and mother to my family that you have been to ours. You really are the glue that holds us all together.

You were always there when I told you about a project the night before it was due. You always forked over a check and a permission slip for a field trip the morning we had to turn it in. It wasn't lost on me, Mom, and it still isn't.

I am thoroughly convinced that I wouldn't be a quarter of the young woman I am today without your metaphorical teachings. And even better, I speak in metaphors now, too! You have taught me a lot about what it means to be a woman. That's something you can't teach on purpose. 

Watching you fall back into yourself after being a wonderful mother has been one of the greatest privileges of my adult life. They say mothers lose themselves in their children - I am glad to be a daughter that finds joy in watching their mother simply become herself again.

And now, as I grow older, I am ecstatic that I am able to call you my friend. The most fun times in my life have been because of you. You always know how to make me laugh.

Also, Mom, it feels good to know I'm never alone. I know you're always right there with me.

I love you, Mom. Now as I'm writing this, and now as you're reading it.

-Rebekah Kathryn


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